Product Overview
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What is tiptoe?

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The Idea...

tiptoe is a concept for an innovative app designed to facilitate fully anonymous feedback within workplaces. Its primary function allows employees to express their sentiments about their work environment, team dynamics, and other job-related factors through a simple, intuitive interface.

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  • Enhanced Anonymity and Trust: Employees are more likely to share genuine feedback on their work environment, knowing their identities are protected.

  • Direct Insight for Leadership: the app consolidates feedback and presents it through a comprehensive dashboard. This feature allows managers and leaders to gauge the overall sentiment of their teams, understand prevalent issues, and identify areas for improvement.

  • Reduction in Attrition Rates: tiptoe can help companies address problems before they lead to dissatisfaction and turnover. Early identification can improve employee retention, saving costs with attrition such as recruitment, training, and productivity.

Quick view of attrition
market comparison

Comparison to Other Current Tools

Comparing tiptoe to established feedback and survey tools like Qualtrics XM, or SurveyMonkey, especially in the context of employee experience and anonymous feedback, reveals distinct advantages:

Employee Experience Tool Competitors


Built with anonymity as a second thought
Built on anonymity from the ground up
Has capability to identify anonymous users
No de-anonymization features available
Focused on a hanful of things
Simple use case and mission
subscription costs to use
Free to use for small teams
May or may not work with a certain HRIS
HRIS connectors planned for future release (Workday, Lattice, PeopleSoft, etc.)
Anonymous. Feedback. Instantly.
Transforming feedback, one anonymous submission at a time – discover the power of the digital suggestion box
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